Camp iRock Works!

Camp iRock campers hold up signs that say I used to think reading was boring, hard and impossible but then we came to camp irock

MATCHING GIFT ALERT! Donate through this link and double your impact for struggling readers! Now through February 28, Your support of Camp iRock can go twice as far thanks to a matching gift opportunity through our partners at Champions for Literacy! Don't miss this chance to double your gift- up to $5,000!

Experts say the chance of succeeding in life increases with a quality education. 3rd grade reading levels predict nearly every societal problem you can imagine. Research suggests that a child is 90% likely to remain a poor reader at the end of the fourth grade if the child is a poor reader at the end of the first grade. Furthermore, one in six children who are not reading proficiently in the third grade does not graduate from high school on time, a rate four times greater than that for proficient readers.

Reading on grade level is so critical to our community's future that United Way of Pickens County has set a bold goal of ensuring that at least 70% of Pickens County 3rd graders will read at grade level by 2028. We know this is achievable because you have proven that you are willing to invest in programs that work. Camp iRock is one of those programs that work.


A partnership between United Way of Pickens County, the School District of Pickens County, the YMCA of Easley, Pickens and Powdersville, and Call Me MiSTER, Camp iRock is an innovative and award winning summer program which helps children improve their reading abilities in an enriching summer camp environment. In the spring, the School District of Pickens County identifies students who could use a boost in their reading abilities and sends their families an invitation to attend Camp iRock.

Through the incredible support of donors in this community, and the amazing creativity, flexibility and expertise of Camp iRock teachers and staff, Camp iRock continues to be a program that works and served 486 struggling readers at three sites in Pickens County last summer.

You can read the 2024 Camp iRock report here.

Camp iRock 2024 Report Cover




Make a difference in the life of a camper as a Reading Buddy. Volunteers are needed to work one on one with campers to enhance the classroom learning. Camp iRock takes place in June, and Reading Buddies are asked to spend 30 minutes once or twice a week at one of the three Camp iRock sites.


From now until February 28, your gift can be DOUBLED through a matching gift opportunity thanks to our generous partners at Champions for Literacy! Use the link below and your donation- up to $5,000- can be doubled so that you can help twice as many struggling readers attend Camp iRock!




Camp iRock was once again named a finalist for the Dick and Tunky Riley WhatWorksSC Award presented by the Furman University Riley Institute. This award—named after former U.S. Secretary of Education and two-term S.C. governor Dick Riley and his late wife, Tunky Riley—is designed to call attention to exceptional public education programming in the state. Take a look at the outstanding video produced by SCETV in collaboration with WhatWorksSC to learn more about the difference you make through Camp iRock!