Why should I support United Way?
Why should I give if I don't use the services of a United Way funded program?
What's the difference between United Way and other nonprofits?
What is the relationship between the United Way of Pickens County and United Way Worldwide?
Who decides how you invest in your community?
What's the difference between designated and undesignated gifts?
Why would I want to give an undesignated gift?
Can I give directly to my favorite charity through United Way?
What if I don't want my money to go to one of the agencies funded by United Way?
Are gifts to United Way of Pickens County tax deductible?
Since I work in another county, how can I give here?
Does United Way support religious agencies?
What if I'm afraid to commit to a pledge because of the economy?
Why should I support United Way?
Your support of United Way of Pickens County is the most powerful investment you can make in our community. No other single organization has the scope, expertise, and influence to bring together hundreds of human services agencies, government, businesses, private foundations, and dedicated volunteers around a common vision of creating maximum impact and achieving long-lasting results.
Why should I give if I don't use the services of a United Way funded program?
People in need affect everyone in the community. When the community improves, all citizens benefit. The community-wide services provided because of United Way reach beyond the care provided by a single group. A gift to United Way of Pickens County is a clear expression of concern for your fellow human being. You or your family may not need services now, but isn’t it comforting to know they will be there if you do need them in the future?
What's the difference between United Way and other nonprofits?
Making a gift to United Way is the most effective way to help our whole community. Our unique ability to work across complex issues with hundreds of community partners is unmatched. We mobilize volunteers and convene partner agencies, corporations, community leaders, and policymakers to make broad, systemic changes like no other organization can on its own. Our programs help people in crisis get back on their feet, help prevent future problems, and build a stronger community for all of us.
What is the relationship between the United Way of Pickens County and United Way Worldwide?
Your United Way of Pickens County addresses local problems and is governed by a local volunteer Board of Directors and is completely independent of any other United Way organization. This allows us the ability to respond to local needs and reflect the priorities and core values of the residents in our community. United Way Worldwide (UWW) is a national training and service center providing services to United Ways across the country and throughout the world. The United Way of Pickens County pays membership dues to UWW in return for services. These services include use of the United Way name and logo, market research, promotional items, national advertising including the NFL spots, and training for staff. United Way Worldwide also makes connections with large national corporations that smaller United Ways can benefit from during campaign time
How do I volunteer?
There are many organizations in our community that need volunteers. An easy way to find volunteer opportunities in our area is through Get Connected, Pickens County’s online Volunteer database designed to connect you with local programs, projects and agencies that need your help.
How do I give?
You can support the United Way of Pickens County through payroll deduction, cash, check, credit card or bill-me options. Check to see if your employer offers a United Way campaign, or use our individual pledge card to make your gift via cash, check, credit card, stock or appreciated assets.
Who decides how you invest in your community?
Knowledgeable volunteers and experts from our community carefully screen and select the programs funded by your contribution. Their recommendations are reviewed and approved by our volunteer board of directors.
What's the difference between designated and undesignated gifts?
A designated gift restricts your gift to a specific 501(c)3 organization. An undesignated gift takes advantage of United Way’s thorough, research-based program selection that gets the money to the issues and areas that need it most. This allows you to help the most people and do the most good for our entire community.
Why would I want to give an undesignated gift?
An undesignated gift to United Way allows you to help more people than a gift to a single agency could. Our community’s problems are interrelated and only United Way’s diversity of programs work to address the complex issues in a way that no single agency can. When you choose United Way as your partner in giving, you choose the best way to achieve results and make a difference right here in our county. Your gift does more than just support people who are in urgent need right now — you also support meaningful, lasting change that impacts the entire community.
Can I give directly to my favorite charity through United Way?
While the United Way believes that every participating program is worthy of support through a single contribution, you may designate your gift to a specific agency. Keep in mind that United Way volunteers have researched each program and identified the areas of greatest need for Pickens County, so your undesignated gift will go far in making meaningful, lasting change that impacts the entire community. If, however, a United Way funded program is especially important to you, and you wish to address that need alone, you may indicate this desire on the pledge form. Please note that United Way of Pickens County has a policy that pledges may only be designated to our funded programs, other United Ways, or their funded programs. You can view United Way of Pickens County funded programs on our Community Investment page.
If I designate my pledge to a specific charity, will it be counted against that agency during the allocations process?
Community investment panels are not given designation information when they make their funding decisions. However, because a designated dollar can only be spent on that particular agency, it decreases the total available for United Way to strategically invest, thus decreasing the total allocations to all agencies.
What if I don't want my money to go to one of the agencies funded by United Way?
All the organizations funded by United Way do not have equal appeal to everyone. United Way funding is based on the importance of the needs the programs meet-not agency popularity. You may exclude an agency from receiving any of your contribution by noting this on the pledge form.
Are gifts to United Way of Pickens County tax deductible?
Yes, for both corporations and individuals. Under current tax laws, individuals can deduct charitable contributions when they itemize.
Since I work in another county, how can I give here?
United Way asks that you give where you live. The money that you give here, stays here, providing services to neighbors in our community. You may note on your pledge form that you would like your gift to go to United Way of Pickens County and your request will be honored.
Does United Way support religious agencies?
There are some religiously affiliated organizations that provide human care programs. United Way policy prohibits the direct support of churches but does support church-sponsored organizations that are providing social services.
What if I'm afraid to commit to a pledge because of the economy?
There is no question that people are nervous about the economy, and yet, there is also no question that the need is greater than ever. As people sit down to make their pledge this year, we hope they will remember the thousands of people who need their help. A contribution, whether it’s $1 a week or a Palmetto Society gift of $1,000 or more per year, will be a valuable gift to Pickens County. With everyone doing a little bit to help, we can keep our community healthy and thriving.