Pathways at Work

Pathways at Work is a United Way of Pickens County program dedicated to improving workplace productivity, retention, attendance, financial stability, and well-being for employees. Based on a proven program model, a United Way Success Coach spends time on-site at the workplace and meets one-on-one with employees to provide resources to help employees manage non-work related issues. All employee meetings are free and confidential.

Our Success Coach is able to discuss topics and offer resources for issues such as mortgage or rent, utilities, taxes, veterans services, basic needs like food and clothing, and more. The Success Coach is also able to provide financial coaching and financial literacy education to employees.

Want to learn more about how Pathways at Work can benefit your workplace? Fill out the interest form below and you will be contacted shortly.

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This program is made possible, in part, by a grant from the FINRA Investor Education Foundation through a partnership with United Way Worldwide.